Coffee break - first aid quiz

Published: 2019-11-27T14:00:00Z

1. How would you treat a minor burn or scald?

2. How would you administer first aid to a casualty with a small splinter?

3. What are the legal requirements for mental health first aid cover in a workplace?

4. Nose bleeds, do you know what to do?

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Mental health first aid for the workplace

Published: 2019-11-27T13:00:00Z

With research suggesting that nearly half of us will experience a mental health issue in our current job, it’s easy to see why the public, employers and mental health campaigners have been calling for mental health first aid to be given equal legislative status in the workplace.

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First aid - angina and heart attack

Published: 2019-11-27T08:00:00Z

It should be remembered that every heart attack is different...

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Coffee break - first aid quiz

Published: 2019-09-12T08:00:00Z

1. What first aid treatment should you give a casualty experiencing an epileptic seizure?

2. Why would you place an unconscious casualty into the recovery position?

3. Why do you need to establish consent to provide first aid?

4. How can you minimise risk of infection to yourself and others when providing first aid?

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Coffee break - first aid quiz

Published: 2019-06-26T10:00:00Z

1. When giving a child CPR what is the recommended ratio of rescue breaths to chest compressions?

2. What should you do if you suspect someone is having an allergic reaction?

3. You suspect a child has broken a bone, what action do you take?

4. What are the legal requirements for paediatric first aid cover in a workplace that offers childcare?

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